Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ABdev_aeron_flickr_stream has a deprecated constructor in /home/xtremso/public_html/wp-content/themes/aeron/aeron/inc/widgets/flickr.php on line 2

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ABdev_contact_info has a deprecated constructor in /home/xtremso/public_html/wp-content/themes/aeron/aeron/inc/widgets/contact-info.php on line 2

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in ABdev_aeron_flickr_stream is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/xtremso/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in ABdev_contact_info is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/xtremso/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Products – XtremSoft Technologies


[section_tc fullwidth=’1′][column_tc span=’4′][service_box_tc title=’eKYC’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]We have now come up with AADHAR/KRA/Manual based e-KYC product for account opening process with less manual intervention including digital signature on the document.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xHawkEye™ Surveillance’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-pie’]

Real-time monitoring of clients margins and positions. xHawkEye™ gives you instant feeds on clients whose Marked-to-Market loss has exceeded their Deposit amount, with the facility to instantly square off his position and bring him back in cover.[nbsp_tc][nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xInfoVantage™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-tiderise’]

xInfoVantage™ is a unique performance tracking solution that percolates through the different (and diverse) layers – from HO to Regions, to Branches, to RMs, to Customers.



[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’4′][service_box_tc title=’Mobile Solutions™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’entypo-mobile’]

We have fine-tuned our rapid approach to design and development so that it allows us to quickly deliver exceptional mobile applications, without compromising quality. We develop and deliver both native and HTML5 mobile solutions.[nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xNeutrino™ Front Office’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]

xNeutrino™ Online Terminal is the best direct-access platform available for online trading in India and sets new standards for online trading. It is reliable, fast, highly customizable, easily scalable and has many innovative features.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xStrataGem™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-noteslistalt’]

xStrataGem™ is available as a customizable software, where we customize an Automated Trading System based on your Strategies and Algorithms. We can apply your unique strategy and/or algorithm and develop the automated trading system.


[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’4′][service_box_tc title=’xSPOT™ OTC Platform’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-area’]

Real-time OTC Platform (Bullion). Explore the new experience in Bullion Trade.[nbsp_tc]Get ready for the big catches as xSPOT™ helps you spread your wings and clasp success like never before.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xLimitStation™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’icomoon-office’]

Your business locomotive will take off from this station to newer frontiers. The system acts as the track that connects your various branches and franchises seamlessly.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’Other Products’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’gm-grain’]

Other products are iTracker, Common Client Activation, Day-end RMS, xCTCLOrganizer, Circular Upload (Intranet), Courier Management, Online Trade Reader and Broadcast Player.



[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][/section_tc][section_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’eKYC’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]We have now come up with AADHAR/KRA/Manual based e-KYC product for account opening process with less manual intervention including digital signature on the document.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xHawkEye™ Surveillance’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-pie’]

Real-time monitoring of clients margins and positions. xHawkEye™ gives you instant feeds on clients whose Marked-to-Market loss has exceeded their Deposit amount, with the facility to instantly square off his position and bring him back in cover.[nbsp_tc][nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xInfoVantage™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-tiderise’]

xInfoVantage™ is a unique performance tracking solution that percolates through the different (and diverse) layers – from HO to Regions, to Branches, to RMs, to Customers.



[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’Mobile Solutions™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’entypo-mobile’]

We have fine-tuned our rapid approach to design and development so that it allows us to quickly deliver exceptional mobile applications, without compromising quality. We develop and deliver both native and HTML5 mobile solutions.[nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xNeutrino™ Front Office’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]

xNeutrino™ Online Terminal is the best direct-access platform available for online trading in India and sets new standards for online trading. It is reliable, fast, highly customizable, easily scalable and has many innovative features.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xStrataGem™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-noteslistalt’]

xStrataGem™ is available as a customizable software, where we customize an Automated Trading System based on your Strategies and Algorithms. We can apply your unique strategy and/or algorithm and develop the automated trading system.


[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’xSPOT™ OTC Platform’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-area’]

Real-time OTC Platform (Bullion). Explore the new experience in Bullion Trade.[nbsp_tc]Get ready for the big catches as xSPOT™ helps you spread your wings and clasp success like never before.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xLimitStation™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’icomoon-office’]

Your business locomotive will take off from this station to newer frontiers. The system acts as the track that connects your various branches and franchises seamlessly.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’Other Products’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’gm-grain’]

Other products are iTracker, Common Client Activation, Day-end RMS, xCTCLOrganizer, Circular Upload (Intranet), Courier Management, Online Trade Reader and Broadcast Player.



[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][/section_tc][section_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’eKYC’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]We have now come up with AADHAR/KRA/Manual based e-KYC product for account opening process with less manual intervention including digital signature on the document.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xHawkEye™ Surveillance’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-pie’]

Real-time monitoring of clients margins and positions. xHawkEye™ gives you instant feeds on clients whose Marked-to-Market loss has exceeded their Deposit amount, with the facility to instantly square off his position and bring him back in cover.[nbsp_tc][nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xInfoVantage™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-tiderise’]

xInfoVantage™ is a unique performance tracking solution that percolates through the different (and diverse) layers – from HO to Regions, to Branches, to RMs, to Customers.



[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’Mobile Solutions™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’entypo-mobile’]

We have fine-tuned our rapid approach to design and development so that it allows us to quickly deliver exceptional mobile applications, without compromising quality. We develop and deliver both native and HTML5 mobile solutions.[nbsp_tc]


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xNeutrino™ Front Office’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’el-el_easel_alt’]

xNeutrino™ Online Terminal is the best direct-access platform available for online trading in India and sets new standards for online trading. It is reliable, fast, highly customizable, easily scalable and has many innovative features.


[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xStrataGem™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’whhg-noteslistalt’]

xStrataGem™ is available as a customizable software, where we customize an Automated Trading System based on your Strategies and Algorithms. We can apply your unique strategy and/or algorithm and develop the automated trading system.


[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][column_tc span=’3′][service_box_tc title=’xSPOT™ OTC Platform’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’typicons-chart-area’]

Real-time OTC Platform (Bullion). Explore the new experience in Bullion Trade.[nbsp_tc]Get ready for the big catches as xSPOT™ helps you spread your wings and clasp success like never before.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’xLimitStation™’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’icomoon-office’]

Your business locomotive will take off from this station to newer frontiers. The system acts as the track that connects your various branches and franchises seamlessly.



[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’Other Products’ type=’square’ link=’’ target=’_self’ icon=’gm-grain’]

Other products are iTracker, Common Client Activation, Day-end RMS, xCTCLOrganizer, Circular Upload (Intranet), Courier Management, Online Trade Reader and Broadcast Player.


